Richard Woodward & Associates

Will Writing | Probate | Lasting Powers of Attorney | Family Trusts

Telephone St Neots 01480 290060 Monday - Friday 8am - 1pm

Church View House, 17 Church View, St Neots PE19 2BB


Associate Iain Batchelor

I trained Iain 8 years ago,  he now runs his own business based in Brampton but more and more he deals with the many enquiries I have, and you should be reassured he is many years my junior so will be around to look after you for years to come.

Please pay Iain directly for his work.

We Will Provide You With a Fantastic 5 Star Service

Let's Get Started We Can Do Your Work The Modern Way if You Wish?

My name is Richard Woodward and I am the proprietor of a local Will writing and Probate business that has been trading in the town of St Neots since 2012. I offer  a FREE telephone consultation in order to understand your requirements and in most cases the work you need can be completed via telephone, video, email and Royal mail, offering this remote option is time effective and keep fees down. I have over 35 years  Will writing experience and will talk to you in plain English, your satisfaction is my priority. And I will add that you as my client and your family can have FREE telephone access to me to ask me about anything legal that is concerning you or them, and I promise you, there is 'no clock ticking' in my office!.

Ordering is Easy if You Know What You Want!

If you know what you want you have chosen a great way to get started, if you are not sure about what you need please telephone me on 01480 290060. This will be easy, no complicated forms to fill in, please email  me this information to start with, my email address is at the top right of each page. For Wills & or Lasting Powers of Attorney to get started, I need your full name, full address and dates of birth, for both of you if you are married, please say if partners or previously married, please give me as much background as possible. Please tell me about children, whose are they etc, please give me their full names, date of birth & addresses. That’s it for starters apart from your telephone numbers, please make sure all the names and addresses you give  are 100% correct, now wait for my call, I will call you perhaps within minutes, always no later than next day, so get typing and wait for my call, Regards Richard.

For Wills & Probate

Lasting Powers of Attorney & Much More

Fair Prices, Quality Service & No VAT


Ideal for non complicated situations and can or will include, appointment of executors and trustees, appointment of guardians if required, gifts of money or property, and distribution of the residue, ie what is left.

Fixed Fee £125 each


Includes everything in a standard Will but specially drafted in complicated situations, for example where there are 2nd marriages with step-children, and or Wills with specialist trusts for vulnerable beneficiaries.

Fixed Fee  £275 each


A Pair of Protective Property Trust Wills, most commonly used to protect against losing all of your home to pay for Care home fees, these Wills protect 50% of the family home as the first person to die share goes into a trust.

Fixed Fee  £550 the pair


My Associate Iain Batchelor

Will be happy to visit you at home,

Contact Iain Directly on 01480 290120

Witnessing Service £50 per witness


A Lasting Power of Attorney for both Property & Finance and Health & Welfare, prepared for you and your family to sign.

LPA Registration Fees are + £164.

Fixed Fee  £375 the pair


2 Pairs of Lasting Power of Attorney

Both Health & Finance for 2 People.

LPA Registration Fees are + £328.

Fixed Fee £750


Grant only Probate application not requiring (IHT400 form) HM Court Fees are + £312.

Fixed Fee £975


4 Lasting Powers of Attorney for both Property & Finance and Health & Welfare plus a Pair of Protective Property Trust Wills.

LPA Registration Fees are + £328.

Fixed Fee £1100


A search on your property at HM Land registry to establish the beneficial  owners .

Fixed Fee £25


Change the ownership of your home from Joint to Tenants in Common.

Fixed Fee £125


To legally change someones Will within 2 years of that persons death.

Fixed Fee £850


If your home or properties are in just one name to transfer 50% to your spouse.

Fixed Fee £750


Declarations of Trust make an express declaration that a property’s co-owners hold the property on trust for themselves and specify the proportions in which they own it.

Fixed Fee £275


A deed of assent is used to transfer property into the name of the transferee(s) with HM Land Registry, and establishes the beneficiary’s title to the asset in question.

Includes H M Land Registry Fees.

Fixed Fee £750


A deed of appointment of a trustee is a legal document that is used to either: Appoint a new trustee to an existing trust or Replace a retiring trustee in a trust with a new trustee.

Fixed Fee £275

All Wills are Professionally Thermally Bound in a clear protective cover.

All instructions will be completed & delivered to you within 7 days of your order.

A credit/debit card will be required for a deposit and final payment.

DOWNLOAD our 16 Page A4 colour brochure

DOWNLOAD our Family Trust brochure - Price on Application

Need to talk, talking is free  01480 290060

Direct Line - 8am - 1pm - Mon - Fri

For Low Cost Probate

£975 Grant Only

Call Richard on 01480 290060

Talking is Free

HMCT Court Fees + £312

Offer applies only where IHT400 form not required.

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